A new paper has been published as part of Thomas Poulsen’s PhD work.
Written in collaboration with Jan Stentoft and Ram Narasimhan
The offshore wind energy sector is a young industry that must reduce levelized cost of energy to compete with other forms of energy. Applying a supply chain perspective in the offshore wind industry has so far been limited within the academic community. This academic paper offers a robust academic supply chain management framework that includes three interdependent aspects of reducing the cost of offshore wind – innovation, industrialization, and supplier partnering. Using conceptual arguments from current academic supply chain management literature, the comprehensive framework is presented to clarify how established supply chain management practices can be used by the offshore wind energy industry to reduce levelized cost of energy. The academic framework is meant for researchers to make use of and also guide the offshore wind industry towards proven ways costs have been reduced in other industries. The paper contains analysis of available academic models, tools, and writings from other industries. The paper provides a pathway for how this body of existing knowledge could be applied to the offshore wind industry.